The Gurdjieff Work pursues questions that speak to our essential self. Who am I? What is my place in the grand scheme? These are our fundamental questions as human beings.
The Gurdjieff Work is not a religious way, but rather a tradition that directs us toward the most fundamental human aspiration: to Awaken.
Now more than ever, the world needs people searching for the state of being we were each born to discover. It’s in this state of stillness and power that we can sense the truth.
You may have had the taste of a state or feeling that goes beyond words. It’s a subtle sense that calls us to question inwardly, to seek answers, to be our best selves.
The Gurdjieff Work is for people who have had a taste of a higher state, and wish to connect with it more consistently.
Learn more about the Gurdjieff Work
Oct 19th online, 6:30pm.
We are inviting you to be part of a small group of people pursuing a deeper state of awareness, through the ideas of Gurdjieff. A few people will meet online on October 19 for an introductory session on Gurdieff, held online. If the Gurdjieff teaching is of interest to you, we hope you’ll inquire about how to join in.
Meditation | Inner-discipline | Community