Stop Sleepwalking through life

Series of open talks happening now

The Gurdjieff Work in Rochester

Stop Sleepwalking Through Life

The Gurdjieff Work helps people understand through direct experience that most moments of ordinary life can be described as a state of sleep. We are there, but not really present.

The Work is for those of us who have a sense of our predicament, in the grip of this hypnotic state, and want a way out.

The Work begins with finding ways to see more and more deeply into this state of sleep. It demonstrates that it is possible to awaken from our sleep, if only for moments, and provides practices of attention designed to bring about a process of inner transformation.

Participate in a small, in-person group starting in October for people interested in learning about the Gurdjieff methods.

Introductory sessions will be held on Wednesdays this fall. Contact us below for registration information.

Practical methods for inner change

The Work is not a religion, movement or cult. It’s a group of people serious about inner change, working on exercises specially suited for knowing our state of sleep. Once a person begins to see the shape of their habitual prison, the opportunity for inner change becomes real. The Work…

  • Asks people to take nothing on faith, but rather to verify everything with their own experience

  • Transmits the teaching through meditation, group meetings, meditation in movement, writings, and innovative practices

  • Brings into question the place and purpose of human beings in the universe, and through unique practices, presents new possibilities for developing compassion and understanding

  • Makes possible a process of transformation, whose aim is to awaken us to a fuller range of possibilities as human beings

Wednesday evenings at the Pittsford Community Center

Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9 — Join in below

A community focused on direct practice, rather than belief

Contact us about the sessions

Interested in attending an October session? Fill out the form and we’ll schedule a time to discuss questions before you register.

Location: Pittsford Community Center
Cost: $40 for the series and book. Cash or checks are payable to Stillwood Study Center and will be accepted in person.

"There do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter what path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him."
~G. I. Gurdjieff~

Public talks begin on Wednesday, October 19th.

Click Here to view upcoming events as a list.