Learn more about the Gurdjieff Tradition and what to expect in a Gurdjieff Group.

New to the Work?

In person & online Zoom groups available


Gurdjieff advised people to take nothing on faith, but rather to verify everything with their own experience. He transmitted the ideas of the Work through group meetings, music, sitting meditation, meditation in movement, writings, lectures, and innovative forms of group work.

The Gurdjieff tradition brings into question the place and purpose of human beings in the universe. Through the unique practices brought by Gurdjieff, the Work presents new possibilities for developing compassion and understanding. These practices can make possible a further process of change, whose aim is to awaken us to Consciousness and our full range of possibilities as human beings.


The Work is not a system based on belief or theory, but rather a teaching that builds upon direct experience.

• Human beings have two natures: our habitual, ordinary nature, and a higher nature that most of us have only glimpsed

• Conscious growth is possible, but it cannot happen automatically, nor without the help of others on the path

• Evolution requires inner attention: observing ourselves as we are – our habits, fears, and preferences – to come into meaningful contact with what has been buried


Gurdjieff's teaching is sometimes referred to as "the Work." In contrast to teachings that emphasize the separate development of the body, mind, or the emotions, the Work provides practical tools for the simultaneous growth of all three. It promotes a balanced approach to inner development within the context of daily life, through the conscious use of attention.

The Rochester Gurdjieff Center exists to help members strengthen their inner search. We work with special practices of attention in order to make contact with a part that’s deeper, more aware, and grounded in the face of our ordinary state of dispersion. People who find the most value in the Work are often those who have tried other paths and been disappointed, or have realized the value of having the support of others who are also interested in what some refer to as awakening.


A first taste of the ideas and transformative practices of Gurdjieff begins by joining a preparatory group.  Preparatory group members meet weekly to explore the Gurdjieff tradition, explore exercises of attention, ask questions about the Work, and share observations from their application of Gurdjieff's ideas. 

No prior experience is necessary, just an interest in learning more about consciousness and living a more aware life. The preparatory group accepts interested people on an ongoing basis. If you live in the Rochester or Ithaca NY area, in-person groups are available. If you live outside this region, we can help you connect with a local group or in some cases invite you to join an our geographically-dispersed zoom group.

Connect with us to learn more.